Tuesday, December 22, 2009


好没心情工作啊.. 今天好象也没什么的, 也许是每天都是这样吧, 好无聊..

今天大伙还在为星期五的事件在忙,可是忙也忙不出什么,又不是老板,不能做决定,所以就不理啦,反正他也亏了几个月的一百五十millions...[argh... 我在做什么??? 不想堕落下去,但却提不起劲]

今天手脚很快,一下就把许多报告搞定.. [因为归心似箭]

再这样下去,我就做不下去啦.. 是不是应该转工.此地没有欣赏我的人,一定还有可容我之处吧.. [惨了,就是越做就越不懂自己要什么,连当初的梦想也没了.. 可悲!]

相信对我有所期待的,也对我失望了吧,真是无言相对.. [对不起了,我真的让你失望了吧,虽然你不告诉我,我也知道]

新的一年应该会有新希望吧.. 快点过吧, 好可悲的二十三岁.. 好老了, 岁月果然不留人.. [想回到从前]

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Made a stupid decision again to follow them out. stressed, boring and tired i can say.. anyway, we should always try something different from what we used to do right? hmm.. satisfied sunday.

Can't wait to see my family around. x'mas will be my lovely cousin's wedding. the whole family will b coming to kl. some relatives are here already. after the wedding, i'll b having a week off. that's the best part of my working life.

Though lot of plans (US, Singapore, Taiwan) just bubbled , but i'm sure as long as i'm not going thru these days in the office and as long as i'm not alone (with my family) then i'll b vr satisfied already. =)


So boring. I don't even remember what I did this whole day. hmm.. watching drama home alone. but kinda enjoy it when i just rest for 4 hours the day before it..

Oh ya, I went movie with cousin. Argh.. for the 1st time, i realized that no matter how nice is the movie, the person you go with must be the right one, else you won't really enjoy the movie. why i say so? can you stand when the person next to you, just keep eye'ng on ppl's popcorn and the person on the other side of you just keep snooring? sucks.. spoilt the mood.. =_="'

Hope to see ya soon.. you're the best partner.. (",)


Today got a call from Usafis, thought i'm that lucky to win the green card lottery. but end up she leads me to give her my credit card number. :S

It's rejected in the end, but in the bottom of heart, i actually wish that it's true. i really wish my america dream comes true. . disappointed.. Can I try? :( *don't be silly*, this is what i have from a friend.

forget about that, without the green card, i'll be there very soon too.. vr soon..

Today's AM gathering was a good one. Hope for more coming up and really miss those days.. miss my dearly housemates.. miss "e-zhi-ya" studymates.. yay, public holiday.. woo hoo.. hoping a blast 1..

Wednesday, November 11, 2009








Saturday, November 7, 2009

Fast forward

Time passes vr vr fast...

Every month, that would be something, something that push me to "fast forward" my life.
Nobody loves to "fast forward". I have to. I can't wait to lean on the shoulder. The pillar of support. Not too sure is it too fast, alot happiness yet alot of tears. Injuries everywhere.

June-"Where're you? Why you're not here yet?"
July-"Mind your words"
August-"Never say freak"
September-"Don't be like John"
October-"Don't let ppl think klsd is stupid"
November-"The more they do, the more mistakes they make"
December, I'm looking for you. I tried my best.. but I'm down..

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

@ work...

Today suppose is vr busy o..coz i'm still new n i desperately want to go home earlier today. I'm so so so tired n stressed. My pro colleague is leaving us soon. Now, the boss start monitoring us. last time he seldom ask or order us to do anything. But recently, he put me in a new report. stressed. who likes to work with him? somemore out of 3 of us, i'm d oni person handling this, n it's so bored n useless. but who dare to sound??

I really don understand why ppl here don really talk until lunch n lunch time is d oni hour i enjoy d most coz i meet a few very easy going n happy friends. but d rest of time, i'll be jz facing d computer n speed n speed to my reports done in time. if not, everybody wil "ping" u n ask "where is d report? i need it to do my part!!!" oh ya, fyi, "ping" rite? means msg or text. i dono y they use "ping". n we hav 1 chat room rite msn, which is called sametime n the stuffs of csc from all over d world communication with each other by using sametime to ping each other.

the thing i most afraid of is when there're replies for my reports. it's vr scary de. it might be saying, "Something missing in your data", "Can you double check the fugure for ...."... yuks! this feeling is suck! i keep doing mistakes i dono y. haih.. the reports will need to b sent out by 11am bt now d server gone crazy.. i oso almost crazy d.. so stressed until i keep waking up at nite, afraid tat i cant wake up in d morning. sigh.. somemore cant talk.. it's so killing.. wish me luck..

Sunday, June 21, 2009



已绝种的超级恐龙先生,我很想和你谈关于“恼”的问题;平时没两句同房的小姐,很想跟你说, “唱k去吧!把一切抛开脑后。。”; 每天朝夕相对的好朋友,你好吗?好后悔,我们临别前是这样的,如果当时我能包容一点,可能就不会这样草草结束了,好想你,希望你不要怪我的任性;平时很照顾我的“姐妹”,以前很想说你很烦,可是现在我很想听你的声音;还有无缘无故当了我弟的,很谢谢你平时都赞我美,呵呵,想否认都不行,呵呵,我傻了,谢谢你,给我找到工作。。谢谢大家,谢谢你们,让我开开心心的在“工厂式”大学过了非常愉快的大学生活。


现在的我啊,每天都过着一样的生活,早上天没亮就上班,对着荧幕八个小时后,就一身闷气+累得回家,天天都等放工,除了等放工,也在等星期五,等到了,也很闷,因为我将要面对我的学生,好在他们够天真可爱,可以让我傻笑一下,笑完了又要气我,好累嘞!突然不懂我要的是什么?好怕我会忘了我的理想,虽然它并很不伟大。。呵呵。。如果现在有个人给我抱一下又多好,其实有,可是 她们太小只了,抱着她们象在保护她们多一点。。呵呵。。好怀念那熟悉的肩膀。。好悲哦,我的人生一直在等。。


工作的同事还不错,有几个还谈的来的..每天早早到公司开电脑,跟宝贝讲话,顺便跑一些data等同事来了后去吃早餐,吃了后回公司边工作边打瞌睡,然后吃午餐跟同事傻一下,笑一下,就回办公室做下午的工作,天天都这样.其实我很不明白为什么他们能做工时都不讲话, 好无聊咧!! 有一天我的同事终于问我, “你对这份工闷了吗?”. 才两个礼拜罢了呢.. 有谁有提神的方法救我吗? 很难顶这么早,6.30am就要开车去上班了.结果我撞车了..呜呜..到现在还没跟妈讲咧..